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About Norsk Ordbok
Norsk Ordbok 2014 is a project that was launched in 2002. Its aim is to continue and complete a lexicographical work process that started in 1930, the work to create Norsk Ordbok. The publishing company Det Norske Samlaget was responsible to 1972, then succeeded by the University of Oslo.
Norsk Ordbok: Dictionary of Norwegian dialects and the written language Nynorsk gives an exhaustive account of the vocabulary of Norwegian dialects and Nynorsk (the dialect-derived variety of written Norwegian). Entries in Norsk Ordbok include information on word meanings, dialect forms, grammatical features and etymology.
Norsk Ordbok is no dictionary of the orthographic and grammatical structure of modern Nynorsk. Such information is updated and can be found in Nynorskordboka.
Norsk Ordbok was intended to be completed in time for the 200th anniversary of the Norwegian Constitution in 2014, however, the last volume was launced in March, 2016. The completed dictionary contains more than 330.000 word entries. The oldest parts of the dictionary are currently not digitally available, although plans have been made to finish the complete digital version. At the moment, word searches can only be carried out for the alphabet stretch “i-åværig", containing a number of 220000 entries. Norsk Ordbok is available in print, and can be ordered here.
The Norwegian Language Collections have moved to the University of Bergen
In 2016 a solution was found for the future of the Norwegian Language Collections and the dictionaries based on them, i. e. Norsk Ordbok, Bokmålsordboka and Nynorskordboka. The University of Bergen has undertaken the long term management and development of the Language Collections. These are invaluable resources for the Norwegian language community, and it is now essential to build an organization capable of sustaining the huge language infrastructure collected in the language collections and the dictionaries.
The Project organization Norsk Ordbok 2014 was closed down when the last volume was sent to the publisher, The University of Bergen is very pleased that the researchers who have been involved in producing Norsk Ordbok, will still contribute to a transfer of knowhow and expertise when a new research environment starts taking over the responsibility for managing and developing the Norsk Ordbok resources.